Manhattan vs Lafayette (Sep 13, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Manhattan vs Lafayette
(Sep 13, 2011 at Easton, Pa.)

   Manhattan      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
3   Havens, LaKell   15  27  .222  22.0 
4   Lampasona, Alexa   29  .138  10.5 
7   Furquim, Mariana   11  27  .333  13.0 
9   DeGagne, Brittany   15  .067  4.5 
11  McGuinness, Malia   13  10  53  .057  14.5 
13  Henderson, Hollegn   .000  40  1.5 
2   Bies, Julie   .000  14  2.0 
5   Collareta, Jamie   .000  0.0 
6   Heck, Maddie   -.250  0.0 
10  Haselhorst, Sarah   .500  2.0 
12  Huntoon, Kelsey   -.250  11  3.0 
  Totals  54  32  168  .131  53  58  18  73.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  10  33  .061 
13  43  .186 
12  33  -.091 
10  36  .194 
10  23  .348 
Manhattan   (3)  21  25  21  25  15     4-5  
Lafayette   (2)  25  19  25  17  12     6-3  

   Lafayette      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
3   Towslee, Danielle   13  28  .393  18.5 
4   Beghou, Camissa   10  -.100  3.5 
7   Russo, Alexandra   23  .261  8.0 
9   Rooney, Katy   15  .200  6.0 
13  Zoller, Kaitlynn   10  39  .051  11.0 
17  Frohnapfel, Sarah   12  .333  44  6.0 
1   Woodworth, Michelle   .000  0.0 
2   Belcher, Molly   .000  1.0 
5   Mebust, Christy   -1.000  20  0.0 
8   Ciliento, Karissa   12  .083  5.0 
11  Weiss, Melanie   -.250  14  1.0 
12  Bellini, Fiorella   .000  0.0 
18  Guilfoyle, Aidan   .250  6.0 
  Totals  54  29  155  .161  53  11  68  14  66.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  28  .286 
12  45  .111 
10  32  .094 
11  29  .138 
21  .238 
    Site: Easton, Pa. (Kirby Sports Center)
Date: Sep 13, 2011 Attend: 82 Time: 1:58
Referees: Phil Wagenblast, Jim Millets
Tie scores  16 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Manhattan vs Lafayette
(Sep 13, 2011 at Easton, Pa.)

   Manhattan      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
3   Havens, LaKell   15  27  .222  .200  19  .842  .000  22.0 
4   Lampasona, Alexa   29  .138  .750  .000  .000  10.5 
7   Furquim, Mariana   11  27  .333  .000  12  .833  1.000  13.0 
9   DeGagne, Brittany   15  .067  1.000  .000  .000  4.5 
11  McGuinness, Malia   13  10  53  .057  .000  12  1.000  21  1.000  14.5 
13  Henderson, Hollegn   .000  40  122  .328  11  .909  .000  1.5 
2   Bies, Julie   .000  .143  12  1.000  14  20  1.000  2.0 
5   Collareta, Jamie   .000  .167  .000  .000  0.0 
6   Heck, Maddie   -.250  .250  1.000  .000  0.0 
10  Haselhorst, Sarah   .500  .333  20  1.000  19  .864  2.0 
12  Huntoon, Kelsey   -.250  .375  20  1.000  11  17  1.000  3.0 
  Totals.........  54  32  168  .131  53  169  .314  107  .944  58  18  83  .954  73.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  10  33  .061 
13  43  .186 
12  33  -.091 
10  36  .194 
10  23  .348 
Manhattan   (3)  21  25  21  25  15     4-5  
Lafayette   (2)  25  19  25  17  12     6-3  

   Lafayette      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
3   Towslee, Danielle   13  28  .393  .000  22  .955  .000  18.5 
4   Beghou, Camissa   10  -.100  .000  .000  .000  3.5 
7   Russo, Alexandra   23  .261  .333  .875  11  1.000  8.0 
9   Rooney, Katy   15  .200  .000  .000  .000  6.0 
13  Zoller, Kaitlynn   10  39  .051  .000  .875  20  .909  11.0 
17  Frohnapfel, Sarah   12  .333  44  119  .370  .750  .000  6.0 
1   Woodworth, Michelle   .000  .333  14  .929  16  .842  0.0 
2   Belcher, Molly   .000  10  .200  .000  .000  1.0 
5   Mebust, Christy   -1.000  10  .200  20  .900  20  32  .941  0.0 
8   Ciliento, Karissa   12  .083  1.000  .000  .000  5.0 
11  Weiss, Melanie   -.250  .000  14  .786  14  1.000  1.0 
12  Bellini, Fiorella   .000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
18  Guilfoyle, Aidan   .250  .000  1.000  .000  6.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .500  0.0 
  Totals.........  54  29  155  .161  53  165  .321  11  98  .888  68  14  91  .910  66.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  28  .286 
12  45  .111 
10  32  .094 
11  29  .138 
21  .238 
    Site: Easton, Pa. (Kirby Sports Center)
Date: Sep 13, 2011 Attend: 82 Time: 1:58
Referees: Phil Wagenblast, Jim Millets

Tie scores  16 
Lead changes 


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Manhattan vs Lafayette
(Sep 13, 2011 at Easton, Pa.)

1st Set

For MAN: Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Haselhorst, Sarah.
For LAFAYETT: Towslee, Danielle; Beghou, Camissa; Russo, Alexandra; Rooney, Katy; Zoller, Kaitlynn; Frohnapfel, Sarah; libero Mebust, Christy.
1-0Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
2-0Point LAFAYETT - (Russo, Alexandra) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.
2-1Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Lampasona, Alexa), block error by Beghou,
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
3-1Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana (block by Beghou, Camissa; Towslee, Danielle).so
3-2Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
4-2Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by McGuinness,
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
4-3Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Bies, Julie).so
4-4Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Ball handling error by Frohnapfel, Sarah.
4-5Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).
4-6Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn.
5-6Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
5-7Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
5-8Point MAN - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).
6-8Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Attack error by McGuinness,
6-9Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
7-9Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Mebust, Christy).so
For LAFAYETT: Beghou, Camissa.
8-9Point LAFAYETT - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.
8-10Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Service
8-11Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Mebust, Christy.
8-12Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Service ace (Mebust, Christy).
Timeout Lafayette.
9-12Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee,
For LAFAYETT: Zoller, Kaitlynn.
9-13Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Ball handling error by Mebust,
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
10-13Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
10-14Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
10-15Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by Beghou, Camissa (block by Havens, LaKell; McGuinness, Malia).
11-15Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Russo, Alexandra).so
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
12-15Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
12-16Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Service
12-17Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Frohnapfel, Sarah (block by DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia).
13-17Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Service
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
13-18Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Huntoon, Kelsey).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
14-18Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Bad set by Henderson,
15-18Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
16-18Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
Timeout Manhattan.
17-18Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.
18-18Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.
19-18Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Weiss, Melanie (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
19-19Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by DeGagne, Brittany (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
20-19Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Beghou, Camissa.
For MAN: Heck, Maddie.
20-20Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
21-20Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Zoller, Kaitlynn.
21-21Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
22-21Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
23-21Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Russo, Alexandra).
Timeout Manhattan.
24-21Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.
25-21Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Service ace (Haselhorst, Sarah).

2nd Set

For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle; Towslee, Danielle; Beghou, Camissa; Russo, Alexandra; Rooney, Katy; Frohnapfel, Sarah; libero Mebust, Christy.
For MAN: Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Haselhorst, Sarah.
0-1Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
0-2Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Beghou, Camissa.
0-3Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Beghou, Camissa.
0-4Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Henderson, Hollegn (from Huntoon, Kelsey).
1-4Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Beghou, Camissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Zoller, Kaitlynn.
1-5Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
1-6Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by Beghou, Camissa (block by McGuinness, Malia; Havens, LaKell).
1-7Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Ball handling error by Beghou, Camissa.
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan.
1-8Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).
Timeout Lafayette.
2-8Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
3-8Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.
4-8Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Guilfoyle, Aidan (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
4-9Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
5-9Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Guilfoyle, Aidan (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
5-10Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Attack error by Weiss,
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
5-11Point MAN - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from DeGagne, Brittany).
5-12Point MAN - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Haselhorst, Sarah).
6-12Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
6-13Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by DeGagne, Brittany (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
7-13Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
8-13Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
9-13Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Woodworth, Michelle).
9-14Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Service
10-14Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan.
10-15Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Lampasona, Alexa).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
11-15Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Zoller, Kaitlynn.
11-16Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Service
11-17Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).
11-18Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Service ace (Zoller, Kaitlynn).
For LAFAYETT: Belcher, Molly.
12-18Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Service
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
13-18Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Service ace (Havens, LaKell).
14-18Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia (block by Guilfoyle, Aidan; Rooney, Katy).
14-19Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
15-19Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Rooney, Katy (from Belcher, Molly).so
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
16-19Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Attack error by Henderson, Hollegn.
Timeout Manhattan.
16-20Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
17-20Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Attack error by Lampasona,
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
18-20Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Belcher, Molly).
18-21Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Service
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
18-22Point MAN - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Russo, Alexandra (block by Lampasona, Alexa; DeGagne, Brittany).
19-22Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana (block by Belcher, Molly).so
19-23Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by Russo,
Timeout Lafayette.
19-24Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Towslee, Danielle (block by Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa).
19-25Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Havens, LaKell).

3rd Set

For MAN: Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Haselhorst, Sarah.
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan; Towslee, Danielle; Ciliento, Karissa; Frohnapfel, Sarah; Rooney, Katy; Zoller, Kaitlynn; libero Mebust, Christy.
1-0Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Ciliento, Karissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
1-1Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by Zoller,
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
2-1Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Huntoon,
3-1Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell (block by Rooney, Katy; Zoller, Kaitlynn).
3-2Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
4-2Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Guilfoyle, Aidan (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
4-3Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
5-3Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Service
For LAFAYETT: Ciliento, Karissa.
6-3Point LAFAYETT - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by Ciliento, Karissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
6-4Point MAN - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
7-4Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Attack error by McGuinness,
7-5Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by DeGagne, Brittany (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
8-5Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Ciliento, Karissa).so
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan.
8-6Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Attack error by Guilfoyle, Aidan (block by DeGagne, Brittany; Lampasona, Alexa).so
9-6Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
10-6Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah), block error by Havens, LaKell.
Timeout Manhattan.
11-6Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
12-6Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
For MAN: Heck, Maddie.
12-7Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
12-8Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Haselhorst, Sarah (from Huntoon, Kelsey).
12-9Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).
13-9Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
14-9Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.
15-9Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Service ace (Haselhorst, Sarah).
16-9Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell (block by Guilfoyle, Aidan; Rooney, Katy).
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
16-10Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Service
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
16-11Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn (block by Henderson, Hollegn; Havens, LaKell).
16-12Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by Rooney, Katy.
16-13Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Service ace (TEAM).
17-13Point LAFAYETT - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by McGuinness,
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
18-13Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Bad set by Henderson, Hollegn.
For MAN: Collareta, Jamie.
19-13Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
19-14Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Service
19-15Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn.
Timeout Lafayette.
20-15Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Ciliento, Karissa.
20-16Point MAN - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Service
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
21-16Point LAFAYETT - (Heck, Maddie) Kill by Ciliento, Karissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
22-16Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by DeGagne, Brittany.
22-17Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Service
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
22-18Point MAN - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Ciliento, Karissa.
23-18Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Ciliento, Karissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan.
Timeout Manhattan.
23-19Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Collareta, Jamie).so
23-20Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Lampasona, Alexa).
23-21Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Ciliento, Karissa (block by Furquim, Mariana; Havens, LaKell).
24-21Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Lampasona,
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
25-21Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell (block by Towslee, Danielle; Guilfoyle, Aidan).

4th Set

==================== ==================== LAFAYETTE 2, MANHATTAN 3 ====================
For LAFAYETT: Towslee, Danielle; Ciliento, Karissa; Rooney, Katy; Zoller, Kaitlynn; Frohnapfel, Sarah; Guilfoyle, Aidan; libero Mebust, Christy.
For MAN: Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Bies, Julie.
0-1Point MAN - (Frohnapfel, Sarah) Service
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
1-1Point LAFAYETT - (Furquim, Mariana) Service
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
2-1Point LAFAYETT - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by Havens, LaKell (block by Zoller, Kaitlynn; Towslee, Danielle).
2-2Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Haselhorst, Sarah).so
2-3Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Service ace (Zoller, Kaitlynn).
3-3Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Guilfoyle, Aidan (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
3-4Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
4-4Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by DeGagne, Brittany (block by Rooney, Katy; Guilfoyle, Aidan).so
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
5-4Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Kill by Rooney, Katy (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
6-4Point LAFAYETT - (Weiss, Melanie) Kill by Rooney, Katy (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
For MAN: Heck, Maddie.
6-5Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Service
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
7-5Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Ciliento, Karissa.
8-5Point LAFAYETT - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Mebust, Christy).
8-6Point MAN - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Attack error by Ciliento,
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
8-7Point MAN - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn.
9-7Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Ciliento, Karissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
10-7Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by Heck, Maddie.
10-8Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
10-9Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Service ace (TEAM).
10-10Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by Ciliento, Karissa (block by Furquim, Mariana; Havens, LaKell).
For LAFAYETT: Russo, Alexandra.
11-10Point LAFAYETT - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Guilfoyle, Aidan.
11-11Point MAN - (Guilfoyle, Aidan) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
11-12Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).
11-13Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Guilfoyle, Aidan.
12-13Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle.
12-14Point MAN - (Woodworth, Michelle) Attack error by Zoller,
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
12-15Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Service ace (Woodworth, Michelle).
Timeout Lafayette.
13-15Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
13-16Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
13-17Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Service ace (Woodworth, Michelle).
13-18Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).
13-19Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn.
13-20Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Service ace (Woodworth, Michelle).
Timeout Lafayette.
13-21Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Service ace (Mebust, Christy).
14-21Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Service
For LAFAYETT: Weiss, Melanie.
14-22Point MAN - (Weiss, Melanie) Attack error by Weiss,
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
15-22Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Service
For LAFAYETT: Russo, Alexandra.
16-22Point LAFAYETT - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).
16-23Point MAN - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
17-23Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Rooney, Katy (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
17-24Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Heck, Maddie).so
17-25Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).

5th Set

==================== ==================== LAFAYETTE 2, MANHATTAN 3 ====================
For MAN: Havens, LaKell; Lampasona, Alexa; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Bies, Julie.
For LAFAYETT: Woodworth, Michelle; Towslee, Danielle; Beghou, Camissa; Russo, Alexandra; Rooney, Katy; Frohnapfel, Sarah; libero Mebust, Christy.
0-1Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Bad set by Frohnapfel, Sarah.
1-1Point LAFAYETT - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Zoller, Kaitlynn.
1-2Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
1-3Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Zoller, Kaitlynn.
2-3Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
3-3Point LAFAYETT - (Towslee, Danielle) Service ace (Haselhorst, Sarah).
3-4Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
3-5Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).
4-5Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Beghou, Camissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Bellini, Fiorella.
4-6Point MAN - (Bellini, Fiorella) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Heck, Maddie.
5-6Point LAFAYETT - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
5-7Point MAN - (Zoller, Kaitlynn) Kill by Huntoon,
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
6-7Point LAFAYETT - (Henderson, Hollegn) Attack error by Huntoon,
7-7Point LAFAYETT - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Frohnapfel, Sarah (from Russo, Alexandra).
7-8Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
8-8Point LAFAYETT - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Russo, Alexandra (from Frohnapfel, Sarah), block error by Heck,
For LAFAYETT: Beghou, Camissa.
8-9Point MAN - (Mebust, Christy) Attack error by Frohnapfel,
8-10Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).
9-10Point LAFAYETT - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Towslee, Danielle (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
9-11Point MAN - (Russo, Alexandra) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
Timeout Lafayette.
9-12Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Towslee, Danielle (block by Havens, LaKell).
10-12Point LAFAYETT - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Zoller, Kaitlynn (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
10-13Point MAN - (Towslee, Danielle) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
10-14Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).
11-14Point LAFAYETT - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Beghou, Camissa (from Frohnapfel, Sarah).so
For LAFAYETT: Bellini, Fiorella.
12-14Point LAFAYETT - (Bellini, Fiorella) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.
Timeout Manhattan.
12-15Point MAN - (Bellini, Fiorella) Attack error by Mebust,